Thursday, March 08, 2007

Hi all how have you been???
Ive been good..heres what ive been up to


Well he is coming on nicely. He has doubled his birth weight and now weighs 8lb 7oz. He is also now in his own room rather than in ours and this weekend we are thinking of putting him in his cot rather than his moses basket!!
We had a busy weekend with him last week as we spent all day Saturday in A+E. He keeps having episodes of Projectile Vomitting. We started off not to worried as it was only every now and then and we put it down to too much movement after feeding however on Saturday he threw up nearly 2hrs after feeding..we called for the emergency DR but our DR surgery was open and they said to bring him straight down. The DR said as he was so young and born so Prem he wanted us to take him to A+E to get someone else to check him out.
We ended up being told that we were over feeding him and to cut his feeds down to 3-31/2oz (he is only on 4/5oz) We ried this Sat night and what a night we had. There is no way that cutting his bottles will work so 1st thing Monday I called my Health Visitor and she said to leave him on 4oz (as this is what he should be on anyway as per his weight) and to just monitor it, if it carries on go back to GP for poss change of milk. But as he is still gaining not losing weight its nothing to really worry about!!!!!
Other than that he is fine. He is really smiling now hoever this seems to be mostly at me and not Jamie..hahaha!!!


Not done much crafting this week..have had a little break as spent all last week week I intend to do loads and maybe even get my wedding album finished.
Have uploaded more pics onto slide!!!


Not been up to much. I havent been well as I had a killer Migraine which lasted 4days!!!!!!!!!!
Went round Ross and Claires for dinner at the weekend and thats abaout all really.

Hope that you are all well
Take care




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